Customized Solutions for your Environmental Needs...

The personnel with SBS have many years of experience in providing detailed chemical decontamination to semiconductor manufacturers as well as the entire microelectronics industry. Understanding the unique hazards of this industry and the materials involved puts us in a strong position to provide customized services from the investigation and characterizations of hazards material releases to the cleanup and final disposal of all related waste and complete the process with a report documenting the project.

SBS can provide full time onsite staffing to meet your environmental and regulatory needs. We create a custom work assignment and track all activities, where they occurred and how much time was spent on each one. This will help with future projections of work tasks and where to more efficiently assign the work staff, as well as budgets and funds being allocated to the correct department.

Some of the Services we can Provide:

  • Chemical testing and decontamination of tooling and structural components
  • System decontamination procedural development and implementation
  • Process and support tooling in-place decontamination
  • Secondary containment and sump decontamination and cleanout
  • Chemical system decontamination, decommissioning and demolition
  • Facility wide internal structure decontamination, decommissioning and demolition
  • Off-site component dismantling and material recycling of tooling and equipment
  • Process chemical systems failure investigation and mitigation
  • In-place chemical neutralization and treatment
  • Hazardous waste generator compliance, transportation and disposal
  • Acid Waste Neutralization systems (AWN) support, decontamination and demolition
  • Investigation and mitigation of hazardous material releases
  • Scrubber cleaning, decontamination and demolition
  • Tank decontamination and demolitions
  • Facility conversions and decommissioning support
  • Chemical feed and waste systems decon and/or removal
  • Waste collection and management